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Say, "Free Palestine"

by the Palestinian poet, Sara Saleh

A recitation of the poem “Say, Free Palestine”, by the Palestinian poet Sara Saleh (@instasaranade), and an invitation for you to record and share yourself reading it too.

My name is Clementine Ford and I am part of the global movement to free Palestine from Israeli occupation, apartheid and colonial violence. We will not stop until Palestine and her people are free, and we pledge to be visible, loud and present as collaborators in this movement every step of the way.

On the 76th anniversary of the Nakba and with Sara’s permission, we share ourselves reading her poem as both declaration of our position and invitation to all others to join us. If you aren’t sure what to do or where to start, say “free Palestine”. If you think you have no power, say “free Palestine”. If you feel helpless and at a loss, say “free Palestine”.

We say it until we see it.

You can find Sara’s poem pinned on her instagram page (@instasaranade) and also reprinted below. Record yourself reading it, share it to your pages however big or small and encourage others to do the same. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, SAY “FREE PALESTINE”.

Say it publicly, say it proudly, say it with commitment: FREE PALESTINE.

Thank you Sara for being a light in the dark.

#sayfreepalestine #palestinianpoetry #standup #peoplepower #divest #endtheoccupation #nakba

Say, “Free Palestine”

by Sara Saleh

for ‘I love you’ say free Palestine, for ‘snooze the alarm’

and ‘snooze it again’ say free Palestine,

for ‘I need a drink, hold the ice’ say free Palestine,

enter your 6-digit pin here, then say free Palestine,

for ‘Are you seeing someone?’ say free Palestine and for

anything ‘pumpkin spice’ say free Palestine,

for ‘I’m freezing my <insert whatever body part here> off’ say free Palestine,

for the ‘Great British Bake-Off and Love Island and The Bachelor’

say free Palestine, for ‘separation of church and state’ say free Palestine,

for ‘Twitter – I’m not calling that shit X’ say free Palestine,

for ‘the limit does not exist’ say free Palestine,

don’t say ‘rush hour’ say free Palestine, don’t you say Happy Birthday

say free Palestine, definitely don’t say ‘Australia Day’ say

land back and free Palestine, say ‘sorry’ then say free Palestine

don’t say ‘humanitarian pause’

say free Palestine, maybe don’t say ‘there are two sides to this

story’ don’t say ‘conflict’ don’t say ‘collateral damage’ don’t

say ‘eviction’ don’t say ‘self-defence’ – just say free Palestine,

say ‘you are a demographic threat’ then say free Palestine, for

‘bedtime lullabies’, sing Dammi Falastinii then say free Palestine,

for fuck the police say … well, fuck the police then say free Palestine

say no justice, no peace,

from the river to the sea then say free Palestine.

Thank you for reading Dear Clementine. This post is public so feel free to share it.


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