Thank you for saying this Clem. In a world that is On Fire! I couldn’t give a flying fuck about any member of the royal family, any news about them is 100% distraction from what truly deserves our attention. And whilst we wish no ill will on any human let’s be honest Kate will be getting better health care than most people on this planet can even dream of.

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Thanks for summing up the array of messy thoughts I have on this into something much more succinct and accurate

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Pretty much exactly what I was thinking, but with better chosen, more meaningfully arranged words. Bravo!

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“I’m sorry, but fuck off.” - you had me at hello / fuck off

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Well said Clementine! Gossiping about the royals is not the real world. The royals will be fine. All they want is for the public to stay in subjugation to them, not to be friends with them.

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Love this Clem. My exact thoughts.

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Very very well put ❤️

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Bravo! So brilliantly articulated. I will be committing it to memory so I can piss off all the monarchists I know!

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Thanks Clem, very well written and articulated. I have never been truly able to understand the forelock tugging given to the royals, indeed any royalty. It's obscene in a world full of poverty and genocide, not just in Gaza, but also in Africa. I am constantly reminded of a fairytale read to me by my grandmother almost 60 years ago. That was The Emperors New Clothes. That has always stuck in my mind, and what also stuck in my mind was my grandmothers urging to always be the little boy who wasn't fooled by "shiny wrapping" and big words and to always call out the Bullshit. (Though she didn't use that word at the time.) Because of that I have always had highly tuned B.S. antenna, the royal family are the biggest B.S. rort of all.

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💯 clarity, Clem.

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Incredibly eloquent Clem. I love how you put these thoughts so succinctly together.

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Perfectly put. The hypocrisy is on so many levels.

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Yes! And thank you ❤️

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I am a devout fan of Australia becoming a republic, but at the same time have always previously held a modicum of sympathy for members of the Royal family, having been born into a life/role they did not choose and one that gave them virtually no privacy. Life in a gilden cage - I would loath beyond description living such a life. But as with many other things I previously believed or felt, the increased genocide & war crimes against the Palestinians has caused me to question everything, particularly the role of the West, the mainstream media and white privilege. And about time too. Thanks Clementine for articulating so clearly the British Royal family for what it is and what it stands for

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